Williams Assists MMS with Food Pantry

Williams representatives help move skids of food to the school for the students' pantry.
Williams representatives help move skids of food to the school for the students’ pantry.

Moundsville Middle School is a proud Mountaineer Food Bank location. The school serves 50 or more families weekly and more than 150 families at Christmas.

Williams has stepped up and helps transport the food from the drop-off location to the school every month. Their employees give tireless energy and manpower to transport thousands of pounds of food.

In the past Williams has also provided hoodies and hams at Christmastime and has given donations to the school’s food pantry. They are a true partner in education with Moundsville Middle School as the volunteers are key to running this program. Williams has been part of the school’s pantry program for six years.

The MMS Food Pantry program, started and currently maintained by MMS Physical Education and Health teacher Suzanne Muncy, is made possible through grants from the Karl and Mildred Niekamp Charitable Foundation.