MMS Students Win Regional Video Contest

Back row from left: John Robbins, Xavier Wells, Zakk Wells, Camden Terry, Kayden Knapp, Alina Holiday, Sarah McBee, Lily Markle. Front Row from left: Gwenn Brown, Sophia Crumm, Alexa Xolos-Ruggles, Hannah Wood, Riley Polsinelli, Hayden Hughes, Liam Marlin, Richard Robinson, Ethan Corvino, Gracie Hunter.

Moundsville Middle School students in Kimberly Grapery’s 8th grade honors class won “Most Creative Video” in the 2022 Northern Region West Virginia Student Video Contest for the “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing” program. Their compilation featured interviews and information the students gathered at the Zeigenfelder Company, who partnered with the students. The student-produced video has…

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