March MMS Students of the Month

Pictured from left: Coleby Blake, Brady Dorsey and Lorelei Williams.

Moundsville Middle School students in 6th, 7th and 8th grade were chosen as students of the month for March. Coleby Blake (6th), Brady Dorsey (7th) and Lorelei Williams (8th) are…

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MMS Wins 2023 Explore the New Manufacturing Video Contest

Pictured are the students who won the Best Manufacturing Message Video Contest. Front row from left: Hailey Hill, Elin McGuire, Lexi Landis and Irelyn Lowe. Middle row from left: Sadi Willis, Adam Evans, David Durig III, Lorelei Williams and Lillie Goddard. Back row from left: Owen Berisford, Brayden Slaughter, Fiona Ren and Kaelyn Wyatt.

Moundsville Middle School students, under the direction of Gifted English Language Arts teacher Kimberly Ghaphery, participated in the annual Explore the New Manufacturing Video Contest for middle schools. Recently, the…

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MMS Cooks Wins WVSNA Chef Championship

Pictured from left are the award-winning cooks from Moundsville Middle School: Jessica Snider. Shelly Gump, Melissa Pajak and Robin O’Neil.

Moundsville Middle School’s cafeteria staff took firstplace in the first-ever Iron Chef Competition sponsored by the West Virginia School Nutrition Association at the 2023 WVSNA Spring Conference in Morgantown.   …

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