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Filben and Fox Honored by the WVMEA

Pictured from left: WVMEA Hall of Fame inductee Tracey Filben and Kathleen Fox, WVMEA 25 Years of Membership award recipient.
Pictured from left: WVMEA Hall of Fame inductee Tracey Filben and Kathleen Fox, WVMEA 25 Years of Membership award recipient.

During the opening ceremony of the 79th annual West Virginia Music Educators Association In-Service Conference in Charleston on Thursday, the WVMEA announced Tracey Filben as the latest WVMEA Hall of Fame inductee.

The award recognizes educators who have developed outstanding school music programs, made significant contributions to music education in the state and have a minimum of 15 years of music service in West Virginia.

Filben, the director of bands at John Marshall High School for the past 22 years, has devoted most of her life to music and education. “I knew I wanted to teach music from sixth grade, when I started playing the saxophone,” Filben explained. “Although many things have changed over all of those years, one thing has remained consistent: my love of working with the students in the music programs.”

As an educator, Filben must attend professional development sessions/conferences to enhance her skills. She continually seeks out new and exciting opportunities for her students and herself.

In 2008, Filben started the Steel Band program at JMHS, one of the first schools, and possibly the only, in The Mountain State to offer steel band class as a part of the school’s curriculum. Her steel drum students have even been recognized globally.

“My steel band was selected to perform at the 2018 Midwest Band and Orchestra International Conference at the Exhibits entrance. We performed three times in three days for thousands of attendees,” Filben said.

She also formed, in 2016, the first Fife and Drum Ensemble in a West Virginia high school.

“I know most of my kids will not become professional musicians or music educators. However, I hope to make them lifelong music lovers and supporters of the arts. My greatest wish is for them to be compassionate, educated and driven individuals. I know how much my programs mean to the kids. It is the highlight of their day for many. I know that working with them is what keeps me driven and excited to come to work every day.”

At the state level, Filben has served as the Chair of the WV All-State Band since 2011. She took on this role at a time when organizational procedures updates were needed. Under her leadership, the organization was overhauled and now runs much more smoothly. Filben worked to create transparency for students and directors and made decisions governed by policy. She is never afraid to ask the tough questions, and shares perspective that has helped WVMEA better serve its members.

Filben has also helped to improve the financial stability of the Bandmasters and has done a lot to improve the conference experience for WVMEA members on many occasions. Her networking ability brought a diverse slate of nationally renowned conductors to West Virginia. She did the extra groundwork to have pieces commissioned for the student musicians. She has used resources to compensate highly acclaimed clinicians to enhance the WVMEA’s professional development offerings.

Kathleen Fox, music teacher at Glen Dale Elementary School, nominated Filben for the honor. “I have had the privilege of working with Tracey for the past 25 years in Marshall County, where we met as members of the regional honor band. Since that time, our friendship has thrived, largely due to the great respect that we have for one another professionally.”

“It is a tremendous honor to receive the WVMEA Hall of Fame Award. To quote Steve Jobs, ‘The only way to do great work is to love what you do,’ and I am so fortunate that I genuinely love what I do. This is a very special moment in my life that I will always remember,” said Filben.

In addition to being named to the WVMEA Hall of Fame, Filben has several other accolades to her name which include National Association for Music Education (NAfME) 25 years of service (2023), National Band Association Citation of Excellence (2019), Phi Beta Mu Band Director of the Year (2018) and WV Bandmasters Bandmaster of the Year (2018).

“As evidenced in her long list of professional achievements and awards, Tracey has distinguished herself as a competent and dedicated educator,” Fox continued. “She is always willing to accept a new challenge, and she is committed to the success of her students. She is innovative, resourceful, and willing to do what it takes to make the most of any situation.”

Prior to moving to JMHS, Filben taught music for five years at Sherrard Middle School, where she started the school’s choral program. She spent six years instructing music at Moundsville Middle School while also spending part of her day teaching beginning band at Glen Dale Elementary School. Filben started her career at Wheeling Country Day School as a general music teacher.

Filben holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music K-12 from West Liberty State College and a Marshall University Master’s Degree in Secondary Education.

Also, at the conference, Fox was acknowledged for her commitment to music education in the state by receiving the WVMEA 25 Years of Membership Award.