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Employee Resources - Benefits - Please check here before calling the county office.

Delta Dental - Dental claim form.

PEIA OPEN ENROLLMENT - PEIA open enrollment is April 2 - May 15, 2024.  Use the website located HERE to login and make any changes, review options, etc.  If you have any questions, call 304-843-4400 x341 and talk with Beth Phillips.

GVS Forms available:  Click HERE for vision benefit summary.  Click HERE for GVS member access to website.  Click HERE for Out of Network Vision Services Claim Form.  Note:  Only family members under age 18 will show on the website due to HIPAA.

WV PEIA - Visit the site and click on "Manage My Benefits" to login and make yearly changes as needed.  You will need to create an online account before using the site to view or change your information.

WV PEIA Change In Status Form - Click HERE for the form you have to submit to payroll whenever you have a status change event in your life (marriage, divorce, birth of a child, starting/ending a job, etc.)  If you have a change in status, please call Beth Phillips at the county office at 304-843-4400, ext. 341, to let her know.

Flexible Health Spending Account - This plan may reduce your taxes and increase your spendable income.  Representatives will be in schools starting March 29th.  Sign up for your enrollment appointment and learn more about available benefits at Enrollment Site (  Existing members can login to their accounts HERE.

Employee Assistance Program - Washington EAP Services Assistance provides individual and group counseling, consultation, education, and other services such as supervisor trainings, employee awareness, stress management, and workplace substance abuse, employee engagement, workplace ethics, coping with change, and others.  Employees can login HERE.

Benefit Estimate Form - Any employee considering retirement MUST complete and mail this form to the WV Consolidated Public Retirement Board.  THIS FORM DOES NOT OBLIGATE YOU.  However, before the board will send you their required retirement paperwork, this process must be completed.  It is not a quick process and may take months so send the form as soon as possible.  Click HERE for the form.

Annual Retirement Guide - TSA Consulting Group, Inc. provides optional 403(B) retirement plans. For a list of authorized investment providers, visit their website HERE. To view a copy of the Annual Retirement Benefits Guide, click HERE. For a copy of the Meaningful Notice, click HERE.

Employee Resources - Payroll - Please check here before calling the county office.

-County Employee Login - Click HERE to login to the WVEIS site where you can get copies of prepared W2s, and see check stub history.

Federal W4 - Complete Form W-4 so that MCS can withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay.  Click HERE.

State WV/IT-104 - Complete this form and present it payroll to avoid any delay in adjusting the amount of state income tax to be withheld from your wages.  Click HERE.

Substitute "Call Out" System - Click HERE to login to the Substitute Employee Management System to enter any vacancy you may have.  You can also call the Smartfind Express system at 1-877-403-0403.  Also, there is a Smartfind Express Substitute app that only works for subs.  We received notice on 12-6-23 that you may have to remove the app, then redownload and install the app on your phone.  The county code that needs entered when you install the app is GRZQ.

Change in Status Packet - This packet includes multiple forms you may need to use during several life events (name/address/beneficiary change, etc.)  Click HERE for the 2024 packet.

Salary Schedules - Click HERE to visit the page that contains salary schedules for professional staff, substitute teachers, service personnel, supplemental contracts, middle school coach/band, high school coach/band, principals, and administrative positions.

One-Time Student Loan Debt Relief - On Aug. 24, 2022, a Student Debt Relief Plan that includes one-time student loan debt relief targeted to low- and middle-income families was made available.  However, current court action has blocked the plan.  The U.S. Department of Education (ED) will provide up to $20,000 in debt relief to Federal Pell Grant recipients and up to $10,000 in debt relief to non-Pell Grant recipients. Borrowers with loans held by ED are eligible for this relief if their individual income is less than $125,000 (or $250,000 for households).  Information about the program can be found HERE.

Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) - For more information on PSLF, visit  You can apply online and learn more about the program by visiting Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Help Tool | Federal Student Aid.  This form is the Public Service Load Forgiveness (PSLF) & Temporary Expanded PSLF (TEPSLF) Certification & Application.  Click HERE for the pdf form or go online to for assistance on how to fill out the form and fill out one online using their help tool.

Sick Leave Donation Form - To donate accumulated personal leave days to another employee, complete the Sick Leave Donation Form and return it to the Human Resource office for review.

Employee Resources - Certification Related

The Certification department of the WVDE is an excellent source for all your certification questions.  The experts can be reached at 304-558-7010 or through email to a general email address for their department at  Their general webpage can be found HERE and it has a chat feature where you can chat with a certification expert during work hours.  Below are some specific links that may help you.

Certification Check - Check your own certification status at  Use K12/Webtop credentials or click the guest button and use your personal information.

Certification Forms - This page lists the forms you need along with instructions on how to complete them.  Application Forms - West Virginia Department of Education (  There is a chat feature at the bottom of the page where you can chat with a certification expert during work hours.  Use the link above to get your forms--do NOT search for them online as they may be old forms.

Substitute Certifications - This page lists information about substitute teachers and school nurses.  Marshall County only considers sub applicants with a four-year degree.  Certification Info - West Virginia Department of Education (  Initial substitute teachers without full teaching credentials must visit Substitute ( and login with your K12 email address (or Webtop account) and password to take the initial substitute permit training.  Email copies of the certificate of completion to the personnel department.  Substitutes looking to RENEW their certification need to provide a transcript showing six hours of education classes OR take the free substitute renewal permit training at the same link.  Proof of completion should be uploaded with the 2L or 2S renewal and emailed to personnel.

Praxis Preparation - Successful passing of Praxis tests can lead to additional areas of certification along with form 8C.  The WVDE will also provide study resources and free testing for certain tests (core skills, some math, some science).  Be sure to send your official score report to the WVDE AND Marshall County Schools 5716 AND upload the official copy of your score report with your application (that is quicker than official reports being sent to WVDE).  Learn more HERE.  Be sure to make sure you are taking the correct Praxis test by checking the latest Licensure Testing Directory located at this link:  When in doubt, you can always check with the certification department at 304-558-7010.

Coaching Certification - Certified teachers and substitute teachers are covered by their teaching certificate.  Service personnel or "citizen coaches" must obtain temporary coaching certification on a yearly basis through the WVDE.  To apply or renew a coaching certificate, it involves Form 39 being submitted online.  More information can be found HERE and there are tutorial videos to walk you through the process.  IF you are applying for your initial coaching certification, you must also complete the paper Form 7 located on that page and bring it into the personnel office.  Initial coaching certification also requires the passing of the WVSSAC coaching class and associated tests.  Information about those classes can be found HERE and registration and payment must be made through the WVSSAC website.

CPR/AED Certification - ALL Coaches need CPR and AED certification to become certified coaches. If you have a email account, you simply logon to Canvas and complete the FREE self-paced training with your single sign on K12 password (the same that you use for your K12 email).  Click HERE to access the FREE self-enrolling course catalog/resource directory on WVDE's website.  You need a K12 email to access the course.  If you need assistance with your K12 email, contact Shey McGuire at 304-843-4400 x323.

Some applicants prefer a different path to CPR/AED training located HERE, but you have to pay for that certification.

WVSSAC Required Courses - All coaches in the state of West Virginia are required by law to be trained annually in sudden cardiac arrest and concussion in sports. New coaches are required to be trained in heat illness prevention.  The links to the free courses provided by the National Federation of High Schools (NFHS) which fulfill the training requirements are located at  The classes are Concussion in Sports 2, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, and Heat Illness Prevention 2.  Submit PDFs of certificates of completion to your athletic director.

Please print out the certificates of completion and send to the school’s Athletic Director.

ECCAT Certification - To gain certification as an Early Childhood Classroom Assistant Teacher, the classes can now be taken online at your own pace.  CURRENT ECCATs must take at least one class per year to continue with temporary ECCAT certification until they receive permanent certification.  Click HERE to find those free, self-paced classes (use your K12 email login).  If you are not working currently as an ECCAT but still want to take the classes, you are free to do so.  To apply for renewal, you need complete the paper Form 41 and bring it to the personnel office.  For those who need INITIAL ECCAT certification, you will need to complete both Form 41 AND Form 7 and bring to our office.

Substitute School Nurse Certification - We accept applications from certified R.N.s but they have to have a BSN.  They need to apply online at and upload their undergraduate transcript as well just like a typical substitute.  They have to visit the certification link above and submit form 2L.  They also have to visit School Nursing ( and take the free, self-paced Introduction to School Nursing course and provide copy to the personnel department.  They will need a Webtop account to take the course and before that they have to register for that one as an applicant at WVDE Certification Portal ( and register for an account.

Autism Mentor Qualifications - Newly hired Autism Mentors are required to become fully qualified within two years of their start date.  Those qualifications are such:
1.  Meet the qualifications of "Aide III" as defined in WV Code 18A-4-8.
2.  Complete staff development related to providing instruction supports to student with autism as determined by the WVDE and delineated in WVDE's Autism Spectrum Disorders:  Services in West Virginia Schools.  30 hours are required including Prevention and De-Escalation Techniques with Alternative to Restraint.
3.  Two years of successful experience, providing classroom instructional supports to students with autism.
4.  Physical ability and stamina necessary to complete all job tasks related to ensuring student safety.
More details and the form to document your staff development can be found HERE.  Contact Erin Cuffaro with any questions about the Autism Mentor process.

Employee Resources - Travel Related

Travel Reimbursement Rate - Effective January 1, 2025. Click HERE.

Travel Reimbursement Spreadsheet - You can use this form to have mileage calculations done for you.  One file works for both in and out of county travel.  Click HERE for the Excel spreadsheet.

IN COUNTY Reimbursement - Click HERE for the form.

OUT of COUNTY Reimbursement - Click HERE for the form.

Attendance at Professional Meetings - Click HERE for the form.

Field Trip Request Website (busses) - Click HERE.

Employee Resources - SAFETY / Workers' Comp Related

Employee Safety Handbook Updated 6-30-21 - Click HERE for the handbook.

Worker's Comp Report of Injury Form (Return to Beth Phillips) - Click HERE for the form.

Return to Work Packet (Give to Doctor, return form after appointment) - Click HERE for the form.

Employee Resources - Associations

For employees who are interested in joining organizations related to your position, here are some links below you may find useful (in alphabetical order).

AFT West Virginia -

West Virginia Association of Elementary & Middle School Principals -

West Virginia Association of School Administrators -

West Virginia Association of School Nurses -

West Virginia Association of Secondary School Principals WVASSP -

West Virginia Education Association -

West Virginia School Service Personnel Association -

Employee Resources - Miscellaneous

West Virginia Public Employees Grievance Board form can be found HERE.  The page showing the new, updated process can be found HERE.

To take MENTOR classes, teachers should visit and then click Mentor Training to find the schedule of classes and to sign up for them.

To take the House Bill 4600 online training (mandatory for all employees) visit and login with your K12 email address or Webtop account.  Proof of this training must be sent to the Personnel Department.

The WVDE offers many different online PD classes for free.  These courses are used by ALL staff (substitutes, coaches, teachers, professional, service, nurses, etc.) and some are mandatory on a yearly basis.  You must have a Webtop account (or a K12 email address) to login to the Canvas system and take the courses.  For help with your K12 email address, contact Shey McGuire at 304-843-4400 x323.  The link to find the courses is right HERE.
When you follow the link, scroll down to find your section, then click the + sign to expand it.  The course link will be there (sections are to the right.)

Canvas Catalog Info
Canvas Catalog Info 2

Marshall University offers self-paced, asynchronous, non-degree graduate credit courses for educators.  These types of courses are typically used for license renewal and advanced salary classification (similar to the free classes above.)  Information about the courses can be found HERE.