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Moundsville High School All Class Alumni sponsored HOMECOMING CELEBRATION LABOR DAY WEEKEND 2010

UPDATED:  16 Oct 2010


  We all have our own opinions of our significance to the Alumni of Moundsville High School but none of us is as responsible for the existence of the active MHS Alumni Association than Lexie Hanket. She is the one most responsible for the opportunity we all shared at the Labor Day Homecoming Celebration. Her faithful obsession to the maintenance and security of the class records, the class documents, the class pictures and accessories was the foundation that allowed others to contribute to  the intentions  she had for  us to all share in a great time to visit with old friends.  So whenever you get the chance, please thank her for her dedicated  commitment to  the preservation of our class memories while in Moundsville High School.  So we salute you Lexie Hanket and thanks for your dedicated service. 

Picture by Sandra Ewing

The nature of this presentation will be to show as many images of the weekend activities as I have available.
If you have images that you think would contribute to a greater over all picture of the weekend, we invite you to contact us about using your pictures.
Mick Burk email address
Please pass this web site to as many classmates that you can connect with so they can see the Homecoming Celebration of 2010.
Most of these pictures will not be captioned as specific agreements are needed if people's names are mentioned.
Therefore, please enjoy the task of identifying your classmates in these pictures.
The event pictures will follow the time line of events scheduled for the weekend activities.

The program booklet printed by Crescent Printing in Moundsville.
The intention was for this to show the program for the weekend in addition to be a snap shot of vendors in Moundsville 2010.
The booklet had 90 pages of text and pictures. It included 124 vender and family contributions.
Booklet Campaign Chairman, Michael Burk with team consisting of Donna Best Durbin, Gary Church, and Susan Wilson Burk (All Class of 1962)

AABookletCover2010 (1)